Erlotinib MUPs / Granules

Erlotinib MUPs / Granules

  • The Development of premix of Erlotinib was done by Murli Krishna Pharma with the aim of overcoming:Poor bio-availability owing to poor solubility and reduction in toxicity through matrix based encapsulation.
  • The granules are ready for compression. The strength of the granules is 50% w/w. The granules can be employed for compression of tablets having the following strength: 50 mg/tablet (Tablet weight 100 mg) 100 mg/tablet (tablet weight 200 mg) and 150 mg/tablet (tablet weight 300 mg).
  • We offer development services in case of a requirement for different formulations/dosages/strengths
  • Offer complete technical package for registrations in all regulated/semi regulated markets
  • Products protected by ongoing Patents are not offered by MKPPL.

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